Mandoulides Internet Games Design School: Creation of games in the language of Python by junior high school students

Mandoulides Internet Games Design School: Creation of games in the language of Python by junior high school students

During the IT lessons our junior high school students were asked to create a game, after they had been taught the basic instructions of the programming language of Python via a teaching platform and they had learnt the fundamental structure of structured programming (sequence structure, selection structure and repetition structure).

Combining the knowledge that they had received from programming in Python with their imagination, they managed to create remarkable games, which they played together with their classmates.

In order for the projects to be fulfilled, an educational platform for teaching the language of Python,, was used where, through an incorporated writer, students could see in real time on their screen the result of the code that they were typing in Python.

Congratulations on our students for the impressive games that they created!

You can see our students’ creations:

Gautlet by Diver_Pet

Gauntlet by Magda

Gauntlet by Dimitris