Mandoulides Schools students admitted to summer educational programs of international universities


Mandoulides Schools students have been admitted to foreign universities and are going to attend prestigious summer educational programs in Europe and the USA.

They will have the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in subjects related to their interests and to broaden their horizons in social and cultural terms by coming into with other students from all around the world. The students who have been admitted to summer programs to date are:

University Educational program Full name Scholarship
USA Harvard University
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
The College Experience in Boston – Law
Politics, Law, Economics
Oxbridge at UCLA – Maths & Engineering
Michigan Maths and Science Scholars – Mathematics and the internet
Michigan Math and Science Scholars – Forensic Anthropology Methods
A. Gravani
St. Mastoris
Α. Spiliopoulos
Th. Tzellos
D. Doulgkeris
$ 4,148
$ 5,000
$ 2,369
$    500
$    500
GREAT BRITAIN University of Oxford
Cambridge University
Cambridge University
Cambridge University
University of Oxford
The Oxford Summer Seminar – Psychology, English Literature
Cambridge Tradition – Math
Cambridge Tradition – Medicine
Cambridge Tradition – Law
The Oxford Summer Seminar – Psychology, English Literature
A. – M. Chatzopoulou
I. Dimoulios
Ch. Efstathiou
Th. Mallidou
Ai. Papazoglou
$ 1,350
$ 2,500
$ 4,248
$ 4,248
$ 1,350
FRANCE Notre Dame de Sion L΄ Academie de France – French Language: Conversation and Composition L. Pentousi $ 2,369
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