Mandoulides Website Design School: Creation of professional websites by junior high school students

Mandoulides Website Design School: Creation of professional websites by junior high school students

In terms of their IT classes, all junior high school students created professional websites with different topics, uploaded them live on the Internet and presented them to all of their classmates.

More specifically, through a complete project which lasted for three months, every junior high school student was trained via three deliverables in how a website should be designed, so as to be functioning and well-appearing, and then built his or her own website.

In February all students produced the first deliverable, where they created their own site with the assistance of the platform, a professional website creating platform. They registered on the platform and designed the structure of their website.

In March students produced the second deliverable, where they were trained in the addition of subpages and the interconnection of these, introduced pictures and videos along with files and hyperlinks and set up their own website.

In April students delivered the third and last deliverable, where after some corrections they uploaded live their website on the Internet and presented it to their classmates through Team, given the restriction measures imposed by the coronavirus pandemic.

You can see the students’ websites:

Home | F1 FANSITE (

Blog | Η Γωνία Των Βιβλίων (

Home | The Writer’s Hub (

Home | My Site (

Home | Countries All Around The World (

Home | My Site (


Home | Travel drops (

Home | MCU (

Home | mcukj (

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