On the Trail of Gods… with the Author Anna Chatzimanoli

Under the innovative Kindergarten program “On the trail of gods and myths” and in conclusion of the literary program “Bookmates,” in collaboration with Kaleidoscope editions, Kindergarten students had the opportunity to read the book “The 12 Olympian Gods,” by A. Chatzimanoli. Students happily and enthusiastically welcomed the author of the book, and presented to her, in their own special way, riddles based on the book and all that they had learned about the 12 gods of Olympus. What is more, they created paintings and works inspired by the myths and exploits of the gods, which they presented in a power point, which they gifted to the author. The event concluded with questions by our young students, who solved all their questions about the mystery and action-packed fantasy world of the 12 Olympian gods.

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