Online Conference of the Kosovo European Youth Parliament

Online Conference of the Kosovo European Youth Parliament

“Expand Your Universe – The First Digital Session of EYP Kosovo Initiative”.

From 26 to 29 November 2020, the first online Conference of the Kosovo European Parliament “Expand Your Universe – The First Digital Session of EYP Kosovo Initiative” took place. The students K. Karagitsi and M. – L. Samozi (10th Grade) participated in the conference.

The aim of the conference was to bring together young people from all over Europe and to give them the opportunity to discuss key issues facing humanity. The main ones were the pandemic, human rights and climate change.

More than one hundred and twenty (120) participants from Azerbaijan, Kosovo, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Turkey, Greece, Finland, Romania, Czech Republic, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ireland, Belarus, England, Poland and the Netherlands were divided into 10 committees and sought possible solutions to major issues.

In particular, the committees dealt with the increase in terrorist attacks in Europe, with face recognition technology, combined with the policy of secrecy, the right to a fair trial, the gap between Member States’ laws on euthanasia.

They also discussed the right to equal pay for work of equal value for both sexes, Poland’s restrictive laws on abortion, the need to reduce disposable plastics, the limitation of online hate speech, and the importance of rescuing endangered local dialects and the possible withdrawal of Western Balkan countries from Europe.

The participants, recorded pioneering solutions to the above issues in their resolution booklet, which they had the opportunity to support during the General Assembly of the conference.


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