Outstanding Achievements in the International AMC 10 B and AMC 12 B of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA)

On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, Mandoulides Schools participated in the international AMC 10 B and AMC 12 B competitions organized by the (Mathematical Association of America – MAA).

In the AMC 10 B competition, 35 students from the 9th and 10th grade  participated, while in the AMC 12 B competition, 11 students from the 11th and 12th grade took part. The students answered 25 multiple-choice questions within 75 minutes.

The students who excelled in the AMC 10 B competition are:

  • 1st Prize: M.-E. Tsiopoulou (10th grade)
  • 2nd Prize: A. Golna (10th grade)
  • 3rd Prize: G.-D. Halkidi (10th grade)

The students who excelled in the AMC 12 B competition are:

  • 1st Prize: P.-P. Nikou (12th grade)
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