Participation in the 38th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad

Ο μαθητής Ι. Δημουλιός (Γ΄ Λυκείου) θα συμμετάσχει στην 38η Βαλκανική Μαθηματική Ολυμπιάδα (BMO) 2021.

Participation in the 38th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad

12th grade student I. Dimoulios will participate in the 38th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) 2021. The student was a member of the National Team which represented our country in the 62nd International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) 2021, which was held online from 14 until July 24, 2021, in St. Petersburg.

Also, 10th grade students K. Konstantinidis, A. Tsiorvas and G. Iakovidis will serve as 1st, 4th and 5th alternates respectively. All three students were members of the alternate National Team, which participated informally in the 62nd International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) 2021 alongside the main team.

Selection for participation in the 38th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) was based on their performance in the 38th National Mathematical Olympiad “Archimedes” and the 62nd International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) 2021.


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