
Students are trained to use the Office suite and more specifically Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access, Sway, and Windows. At the end of their studies from Elementary School, students can take certification exams in these modules.

Mandoulides Schools as a Microsoft Showcase School grants all elementary and junior high school students a free license to use Office 365 software. This license can be used to install Office 365 on five PCs and other compatible devices (tablets and smartphones). At, each student, after logging in with the details of the account given to him/her for my mandoulides, can download and then install Microsoft Office 365 by clicking on the “Install Office” link.

Program Details

Other Programs

Literature and Discourse Programs

We talk about us

Under this program, our older students have a chance to ...
Foreign Languages

In-School Bilingual Program

The English language program for bilingual students is aimed at ...

IT Club

In the IT club, students of 3rd and 4th Grade ...
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