
Feelings in Words and Images

Even at this very tender age, we gradually begin to know ourselves. We learn who we are and, most importantly, we learn what we feel in every circumstance. We recognize these feelings and give them forms and names. We look for ways to push away what is troubling us and to express our love every day. We discover together all the things we have hidden in our souls as if they were valuable treasures. Books, games, activities, and painting are our invaluable assistants in this journey. Who can resist such a magical journey into the world of feelings?

Continents and Oceans

We begin our trip across all continents with our own passports. We get to know the world, different civilizations, and cultures of other nations. But we don’t stop there! We set off to experience the magic of the oceans too. Starting from mythology, where Ocean was the son of Gaia and Uranus, and traveling around the world, we learn about the Pacific, the Indian, the Antarctic, and the Arctic Oceans. We also learn about the fish that live in them, the cetaceans, the crustaceans, as well as many plant species.

Personalities that Shaped our World

We get to know 10 different personalities, women and men, from different historical periods. We talk about musical geniuses, visual artists, other people who shaped the world with their lives. All these people still inspire us with their achievements and with the example they set, as they followed their own visions in spite of everything. We admire them and hope that when we grow up and they ask us “who is the person you look up to and would like to be like?”, our answer will be one of the names of these great personalities

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