Protection measures against the spread of the coronavirus disease UPDATED!

Kορονοϊός (Covid-19) - Μέτρα πρόληψης

Protection measures against the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19)

Mandoulides Schools, whose primary concern is students’ safety, follows the protection guidelines recommended by the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Organization (EODY) to limit the spread of coronavirus in schools and in our country.

Protection measures against the spread of the virus include personal hygiene instructions and cleaning and disinfection of premises, surfaces and objects.

In addition, the Schools are constantly following the guidance of the Ministry of Health, EODY, the World Health Organization (WHO) and all relevant bodies and are taking the following additional measures:

  • We inform students and teachers daily about the rules of personal hygiene both during morning assemblies as well as with announcements on bulletin boards as well as with instructional videos on the screens.
  • We have enhanced cleaning measures with additional staff, who regularly disinfect areas, buses, surfaces and objects such as knobs and switches which are often used during the school day.
  • We have installed antiseptic devices outside the classrooms that are frequently used by students, staff and visitors.
  • We have called off meetings and events at the Cultural Center as well as educational visits to places off the school premises (theaters, museums, etc.).
  • We have also cancelled all educational visits within Greece and abroad.
  • We regularly inform the cleaning staff and care services, and have equipped infirmaries with what the EODY guidelines dictate.
  • We are prepared for distance learning support in case schools are closed for a long time.

However, since safety is a matter that concerns all of us, we take it for granted that you will cooperate in strict compliance with hygiene rules and protection guidance.

If a student develops clinical symptoms of flu, he or she must stay home and return to school 48 hours after the symptoms have passed.

In the event that a parent has recently travelled to countries and areas with continuous spread of Covid-19 or has come into contact with people that have been to such places, we recommend following the guidelines of EODY, informing the school principals accordingly and keeping children at home for 14 days.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and for the responsible and calm treatment of this issue. The protection measures we are taking in order to limit the spread of coronavirus are measures of individual and collective responsibility for everyone.

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