Mandoulides Schools, in order to empower parents in their difficult and demanding role not only of raising their children but also of preparing tomorrow’s citizens, invite parents and guardians to attend the Parent Seminars.
As part of the program, special experts and associates of the Schools discuss with parents issues relating to the development of children and adolescents, including the effective management of inappropriate behavior; relationships and communication within the family; sensitive issues such as self-esteem and contending with difficult behaviors; as well as anxiety, socialization, and empowerment of children and adolescents by teaching them values that will contribute to their smooth integration into society and the digital era.
Schools for Parents aim:
- To support parents and to strengthen the institution of the family, which is a unique place of stability and safety
- To protect and promote children’s mental health and positive development by informing parents about important issues
- To create an environment for the exchange of experiences and knowledge about parenting
- To inform parents about the views of science
- To improve parent – child communication
- To improve children’s interaction with family and school
- To better prepare adolescents and younger children for society and the digital age
- To educate children, who are tomorrow’s citizens.
Parent Seminars take place on Wednesdays at 18:00 – 20:00, on the Junior – Senior High School premises (Building B).
Programs List
Monday, 13th November 2023
Healthy and sustainable diet for children and adolescents
Program Details
The nutrition of our children as a shield for their future health
Polykseni Koutkia - MylonakiMD, MA, Endocrinologist, Director of the Endocrinology Clinic and Dietetics Department of the Health HospitalHealthy and sustainable diet
Olga TsiotsiouMSc Dietitian - NutritionistTechnology at the service of nutrition and well-being
Dimitris MandoulidisNOUTREE ConsultantEating Disorders. Challenges and Issues for the Mental Health specialist and the family in the age of Artificial Intelligence
Athanasios KanellopoulosChild and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Wednesday, 17th May 2023
Internet: Friend or foe?
Program Details
Cyberspace and its challenges for children and adolescents
Maria ChatzipantaziCounseling Psychologist - Psychotherapist, AUTH Department of Psychology, MSc Counseling Psychologist, City University London, Cert. in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (Regent's College, London)The clicks and likes in our kids' lives - We discuss social media and its rules
Olga ZikopoulouPsychologist, Certified in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, PhD PA.MAK.Technology: a powerful tool that everyone uses! How to Tame the Beast - Coping steps for kids under 13 and over 13
Eva GiannouliPsychologist, MRes Social Research, NLP Addiction Coach, Certified Parent Trainer (AHHP), Fellow of British Psychologists (MBPsS)
Wednesday, 26th April 2023
Parents and vocational guidance in the face of rapid changes of the 21st century
Program Details
Counseling and career guidance
Kostas PetropoulosMathematician, School Vocational Guidance CounselorHow fast the world is changing and what we must do
Stratos StratigakisMathematician, Career Counselor, Educational AnalystCareer Guide Presentation
Stratos StratigakisDISCUSSION: The role of family and school in the professional orientation of young people
Kostas PetropoulosStratos StratigakisTips and valuable advice ahead of the exams
Eva GiannouliPsychologist, MRes Social Research, NLP Addiction Coach, Certified Parent Trainer (AHHP), Fellow of British Psychologists (MBPsS)
Wednesday, 7th December 2022
Challenges and concerns in modern education: Mental health care of students in the school community
Program Details
We are in WE... in my class group. I am learning to participate, help and empathize within my team
Olga ZikopoulouPsychologist, Certified in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, Ph.D. PAMAKThe importance of the value of friendship and teamwork in children's mental health
Maria ChatzipantaziCounseling Psychologist - Psychotherapist, AUTH, Department of Psychology, MSc Counseling Psychologist, City University London, Cert. in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (Regents College, London)How to manage my child's difficult emotions
Eva GiannouliΨυχολόγος, MRes Κοινωνική Έρευνα, NLP Coach στον εθισμό, Πιστοποιημένη Εκπαιδεύτρια Γονέων (AHHP), Μέλος Βρετανών Ψυχολόγων (MBPsS)
Wednesday, 23rd March 2022
Society after the pandemic
Program Details
Life lessons from the pandemic: Crisis as opportunity
Maria ChatzipantiCounseling Psychologist - Psychotherapist, AUTH, Department of Psychology, MSc Counseling Psychologist, City University London, Cert. in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (Regents College, London)Raising children in an anxious world! Parenting strategies for connection and safety
Eva GiannouliPsychologist, MRes Social Research, NLP Coach, Certified Parent Trainer (AHHP), Fellow of British Psychologists (MBPsS)The mental health of children and teenagers, a priority for all of us! Ways to protect and promote it
Olga ZikopoulouPsychologist, Certified in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, Ph.D. PAMAK
Wednesday, 15 December 2021
Schools for Parents: Learning how to coexist with COVID-19
Program Details
The psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children, adolescents and adults
Maria Chatzipantazi, Counseling Psychologist - Psychotherapist, School of Psychology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, MSc in Counseling Psychology, City University London, Certified in Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents (Regents College, London)Let’s talk about ourselves! Teaching values and emotions to children. A program of cooperation between family and school
Eva Giannouli, Psychologist, NLP Coach, BSc in Psychology, MRes in Social Research, Member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS), Certified in Parent Training (AHHP)Psychological resilience of young and older people - We are discovering our strength
Olga Zikopoulou,Psychologist, Certified in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, PhD at the University of Macedonia
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Distance learning, a new reality for students, parents and teachers
Program Details
Distance Learning, The new reality of education
Alexandros Koptsis, Regional Director of Education in Central MacedoniaSynchronous and Asynchronous Distance Learning. Further broadening the scope of education.
Vasilis Oikonomou, Director of Informatics and Digital Education at Hellenic American Educational Foundation Athens College, MIE Expert, MIE Fellow, MIE TrainerDistance Learning: Responding to parental concerns.
Eva Giannouli, Mental Health Specialist, NLP Coach, BSc Psychology, MRes Social Studies, Member of British Psychologists (MBPsS)
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Parents and children during the pandemic
Program Details
Asking and learning about the coronavirus
Olga ZikopoulouPsychologyist, Certified in Cognitive - Behavioral Psychotherapy, PhD University of Macedonia.Children and crisis … useful tips
Eva GiannouliMental Health Professional, NLP Coach, BSc Psychology, MRes Social Research, Member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS)