Two Mandoulides Schools teams participated in the event “Students meet Physics and Physics Enchants them” on Sunday, March 18, 2018, held at the 17th Panhellenic Physics Conference in Thessaloniki.
The team of 10th Grade, consisting of students D. Vasiliadis, D. Vlachonasios, G. Kapalis-Prousalis, O. Baltas, K. Stafylidis and Th. Tzellos, presented a project entitled “Ways of Promoting Spacecraft”.
The team of 11th Grade, consisting of students P. Andreadis, P. Chalimourdas and student of 9th Grade Ch. Alvanos presented a project entitled “String Theory”. This project was awarded as the 6th best among 40 student projects from schools all over Greece.
At the same event, student R. Tsiamis participated as a member of the Greek team that took part in the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics in the presentation the students’ experience from their participation in the competition.