Summer programs abroad 2022
Students from Mandoulides Schools were admitted to foreign universities to attend online educational summer programmes.
The students will have the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in relation to their interests, broaden their knowledge horizons and come in contact with students from all over the world.
The students who were admitted to the summer programmes are the following:
Th. Papavramidis (10th Grade)
Stanford University, Pre – Collegiate Stanford Summer Institutes, USA (online)
Artificial Intelligence
Johns Hopkins, USA
Explore Engineering Innovation (online)
Ι. – Ε. Μousouri (10th Grade)
Bocconi Summer School, Italy (on campus)
Finance – Game Theory
D. Sidiropoulou (11th Grade)
Bocconi Summer School, Italy (on campus)
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence – Computer Coding
Κ. Baresel – Bofinger (11th Grade)
Columbia University, USA (online)
Introduction to Finance and Investment Management
Μ. – Μ. Ntontoulou (10th Grade)
Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Switzerland (on campus)
Hospitality Management