Visit to “Odyssey” Theme Park

Visit to “Odyssey” Theme Park

The Blossoms and the Beatles visited the “Odyssey” Theme Park at Noesis – Thessaloniki Science Center and Technology Museum. All the adventures and hardships of Odysseus came alive before the eyes of the little visitors at this highly educational and entertaining park, which has been transformed into the scenery of ancient times.

The children took an unforgettable journey back in time. They interactively discovered the adventures of Odysseus and watched the resourceful and tireless hero struggle to take his fate in his own hands, dealing with gods, demigods, witches and giants.

They also heard the secret words whispered by goddess Athena and all the instructions and advice that Tiresias, the blind prophet, gave him. Finally, they saw all the places the king of Ithaca visited while wandering for ten years.

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