We get around … safely!
Kindergarten students carried out several activities, in order for our toddlers/youngsters to acquire the necessary knowledge and the appropriate skills so as to act as responsible citizens with proper road manners, either as pedestrians or as passengers in a car or even in public transport but also as drivers of the future.
Through printed and electronic educational material, they were introduced to Mr. R.T.C. (Road Traffic Code) and his friends, Stamatis and Grigoris, and learned the meaning of road signs. They also made their own road signs with plasticine, lids, and straws and placed them on the highway they built inside their classrooms.
They “traveled” by school bus, trying to follow the rules of boarding and disembarking as well as learning the proper manners during the route (tickets, giving their seat to people with disabilities, such as the elderly, pregnant women, the visually impaired or with mobility problems people, etc.).
They read related fairy tales and made their own cars and bicycles using their glue, cardstock, old CDs and, of course, their imagination.
Students are now ready to move safely on the road!