On Wednesday, December 18, students from the Junior High School and the 10th and 11th grades of the High School attended a First Aid seminar via Webex. The seminar covered the theoretical component of their annual First Aid training, organized and implemented by the humanitarian organization “Kids Save Lives,” with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Religion, and Sports.
The program aims to raise awareness, inform, and train participants on issues of prevention, health promotion, and education, as well as to develop skills in basic life support.
Specifically, the students and teachers who participated received theoretical training on the following topics:
- Recognizing heart attacks and strokes.
- Managing an unconscious victim and a victim without normal breathing.
- Addressing choking caused by a foreign object.
- Contacting emergency services.
Following this, students engaged in practical exercises to develop these skills (two hours per group), under the guidance of Ms. D. Lygoura, the school nurse, in collaboration with Physical Education teachers who have been trained and certified by “Kids Save Lives” through this program at no cost.
After the training sessions, two teams (one from the Junior High School and one from the High School) will represent the schools by participating in the National CPR Competition.