When ‘1821’ becomes an ispiration…

Μικρά, αυτοσχέδια ποιήματα, εμπνευσμένα από την Εθνική Επέτειο του 1821, σκάρωσαν στις ψηφιακές τους τάξεις οι μαθητές της Β’ Δημοτικού.

When ‘1821’ becomes an ispiration…

In their digital classrooms, 2nd Grade Students improvised little poems inspired by the National Anniversary of 1821.

Being in a good mood, with joy but also enviable maturity, they did not hesitate, after first listening carefully to narrations about the events of that time, to put on paper their thoughts and feelings, dressing them in rhythm.

The dark years of slavery and the miracle of our ancestors 200 years ago are the main topics of their poetic creations. Despite their young age, they took the events of 1821 seriously, listened to the thoughts and feelings of the heroes of the time, spontaneously recorded their ideas and impressed us all!

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