5th online meeting of the programme ErasmusKA229

5th online meeting of the programme ErasmusKA229

The 5th online meeting of the programme ErasmusKA229 titled «Education for heritage, heritage for education» successfully took place during the period of 31 of May to 4 of June 2021.

250 students and teachers from Portugal, Spain, Rumania, Turkey and Greece enthusiastically attended the online guided tours at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, the Cinema Museum of Thessaloniki, the Onassis Foundation Library, the Kapantzi Mansion of the Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece, the Wine Museum of Gerovasileiou estate and the pastry shop “Averof.”

They participated in online workshops of editing and creation of padlets, whereas they presented their projects on their country’s culture live.

The events started with brief greetings by the principal of the junior high school of Mandoulides Schools, Mrs. F. Mpathrellou, and the consuls of Portugal and Turkey in Thessaloniki. The junior and senior high school of Olympos-Karpathos, also, participated in the events and performed live dances from the central square of the village.

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