Day Care Center

Nature and Me

Love for Mother Nature and her unique creatures, as well as respect towards the environment, are cultivated from a young age, not only through literature, music, visual arts, but also through educational, experiential excursions.

The Bean and Chickpea

Fairies and kings, dragons and giants! Beloved heroes come to life through our imagination and lead us to the magical land of fairy tales. In this particular world we are also transported, by reading and performing dramatizations of stories, in order to discover an inexhaustible treasure of knowledge and creative thinking.

Learning to Live Healthily

Children’s keen interest to get to know their bodies is an appropriate trigger to learn, and to promote daily hygiene habits within the school, like brushing teeth. We learn to live healthily, by playing and creating


Program Details

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Art & Science Days

Mathematical Games

The aim of the program is to guide and motivate ...
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Educational Technology 1:1

Combining tradition with progress, Mandoulides Schools are implementing the use ...
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Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship

Through proper preparation, junior and senior high school students are ...
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