Elementary School

Mandoulides Private Elementary School

At the Elementary School of E. Mandoulides Schools, one of the leading private schools in Thessaloniki, students develop a love for learning through play and creativity, with an innovative child-centered school curriculum. Our carefully selected, experienced, and skilled teaching staff, employing modern educational methods and new technologies, leads students into the magical world of education. In this environment, learning becomes a joyful and creative experience.

The Day Care Center and Kindergarten lay the foundation for the sound development of the child.

The Elementary School paves new roads in learning and creating. The main objective of Mandoulides Schools is students’ smooth transition to the new school environment and the eventual cultivation of love towards their school.

Our students...



Learn: From a select, experienced and qualified faculty employing modern educational methodologies and innovative technologies. Additional hours in Greek language, Mathematics, Computer Science and foreign languages, as well as novel technologies contribute to the in-depth and multifaceted education of students



High standards of instruction in foreign languages (English, French, and German). Through special classes and programs taught by expert educators, students gain the ability to think and express themselves effortlessly in a foreign language.


Distinguish themselves

By gaining distinctions in regional and national contests in Mathematics, Physics, arts, rhetorical speech and sports, as well as by earning foreign language certificates.


Enroll in

Clubs, which aim at cultivating students’ individual interests and inclinations.

Through music, theater, dance, and the arts.

European and international innovative rhetorical speech programs as well as theater and art competitions.

Environmental issues, community service and volunteerism through informative events and excursions and participation as volunteers in community activities.

Their knowledge and experience in Computer Science, Mathematics, and the physical sciences through the Art & Science Days program

Their spirit and exercise their body and soul in the after school and extracurricular classes (Mathematics, Physics, foreign languages, robotics, choir, ballet, modern dance, soccer, basketball, swimming, tennis, ski and Tae Kwon Do).

Their homework for each following day with their teacher’s help through the Daily Study Program, which is offered free of charge to students of all grades.

Themselves creatively in the Creative Activities Program during the Christmas, Easter, and summer breaks as well as other school holidays.

Be sure to eat healthily and watch their dietary habits through the Eating Healthily at Mandoulides Schools program

During the summer months with summer educational and athletics programs: English & Adventure Camp, basketball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, and tennis camps, Computer Epathlon & Hackathlon Camp, Mathematical Games, Let’s Talk Workshop.


In the Elementary School, students learn by playing, creating, and using digital education in a friendly, safe, and civilized environment.

Detailed Program

New Technologies

In Elementary School using a laboratory with computers and state-of-the-art software, we approach Information Technology and New Technologies through the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework, which sets out the necessary digital skills of 21st century students. Our students learn to #create interactive stories, #program in educational game-based environments, #collaborate through complex projects by developing #critical thinking and # algorithmic logic skills.

Elementary School Programs

Foreign Languages

French and German

French and German are taught as a second language in the 4th, 5th, and 6th ...
Foreign Languages

Let’s Talk

This is an English language rhetorical speech tournament organized by the Schools, in which 6th ...
Foreign Languages

In-School Bilingual Program

The English language program for bilingual students is aimed at students who: Were born or ...
Foreign Languages

English – Elementary School

The teaching of English is part of the Elementary School curriculum from the 1st grade. ...

Morning Program 07:00 – 08:20

Teachers welcome students from 07:00 to accommodate working parents

Creative Activities Program

For the convenience of working parents, the Schools provide the optional creative activities program on a daily basis from 14:10 to 15:45. The program is free of charge and does not include teaching.

During the program, children have the opportunity to eat in a place that meets all the requirements of hygiene and safety, to work creatively or to do their homework.

Students return home on school buses at the predetermined stops of regular services.

Children also have the option to stay in the school until 17:00, in which case parents need to pick up their children

Creative Activities during School Holidays 07:30 – 17:00

The Schools remain open and offer creative activities programs during the holiday breaks at Christmas and Easter as well as other school holidays, from 07:30 to 17:00

Summer Creative Activities Program 07:30 – 17:00

The Schools offer the summer creative activities program during June and July and remain closed throughout August. They welcome students with a variety of activities, innovative programs, lots of games, relaxation and joy. In a safe and creative environment, children:

  • Learn by nurturing inclinations and interests
  • Read, tell and dramatize favorite tales
  • Get to know their city, their country and the world through online games and activities
  • Play with nature and physics
  • Learn to love mathematics through smart math games
  • Learn by supervised surfing of the Internet
  • Participate in sports, dance, play and sing.

Mandoulides Schools provide their students with the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and cultivate their interests and skills in Preparation Courses.

  • Mathematics Fun Club
  • Physics Fun Club
  • First Lego League(Preparation for Robotics World Competition FLL)
  • Let’s Talk
  • Choir

Clubs enable our students to:

  • Discover and cultivate their specific inclinations and talents
  • Express their creativity and ingenuity
  • Take initiative in the spirit of teamwork
  • Engage in something unique.

Culture and Arts

  • STREAM CLUB: Science Technology Reading Engineering Arts Mathematics
  • Creative arts & crafts
  • Creating with imagination and clay
  • Board gaming
  • Young artists – great creators
  • The children are cooking something


  • Mini golf
  • Basketball
  • Modern Dancing
  • Soccer
  • Dancing with Tradition
  • Tennis

Culture and Arts

  • Puzzles and math games
  • Acting for the environment
  • Develop your strategy and thinking with board games
  • Young reporters
  • The conquerors of the chessboard
  • Ecological art creations
  • Programming the future
  • Healthy and playful cooking


  • Fun playing mini golf
  • Hoops and three-pointers
  • Spikes and serves
  • Wizards of the ball
  • Games of the past
  • Rings, ribbons and skittles
  • Athletics
  • The feathered balls (Badminton)
  • Dancing to tradition
  • Tennis

The program caters to 5th and 6th grade Elementary School students of Mandoulides Schools and other schools of the city, public and private. Its main aim is to bring children closer to the world of Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy and the arts.

STREAM DAY includes STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) actions aimed at cultivating skills, developing critical thinking and making learning pleasant and creative.

During STREAM DAY, Elementary and Junior High School students will have the opportunity to:

  • Present various STREAM arts and crafts that they created during the school year
  • Watch original and impressive experiments in the well-equipped physics, chemistry and biology labs
  • Get to know the world of architecture from the ARKKI SCHOOL team
  • Design and play with KODU and SCRATCH
  • Watch FLL races
  • Learn while playing and having.

The educational project “Mission X: Train Like an Astronaut is an international educational challenge, focusing on fitness and nutrition, that encourages students to train like an astronaut.

Overseen by ESERO-UK, the program is supported by the UK Space Agency as well as the European Space Agency and forms part of the program “Eating Healthily at Mandoulides Schools.”

The program is addressed to Kindergarten and all Elementary School students and takes place from March to the end of the school year. During the program, certain actions are conducted according to the children’s age maturity and background knowledge.

Developed in cooperation with space scientists and fitness professionals working directly with astronauts, NASA’s “Train Like an Astronaut” activities are a physical and inquiry-based approach to human health and fitness on Earth and in space.

During the pioneering Mission X challenge, our students participate in physical activities modelled after the real-life physical requirements of humans travelling in space.

Thus, our students, depending on their grade, take part in the following actions:

  • What’s your space height (calculation of space weight and height)
  • Energy of an astronaut (compilation of natural food lists that can guarantee the energy an astronaut needs)
  • Reduced gravity, Low fat (distinguishing the harmful fat ingredients included in food products we consume every day)
  • Taste in space (drawing a diagram of the human tongue, demonstrating how different senses can affect our taste)

What is more, our students are involved in the following fitness activities:

  • Agility astro course
  • Base station walkback
  • Build an astronaut core
  • Explore and discover
  • Do a spacewalk
  • Climb a Martian mountain
  • Crew training
  • Jump for the moon

Through this adventurous journey to the amazing world of space, students are not only informed about fitness and healthy eating, but they are also enabled to become the next generation of fitness explorers.

Who said that mathematical problems are only created by teachers? Children take a leading role in the lesson, they act like mathematicians and create problems, initially simple and then more complex, on the basis of various mathematical situations. In this way, students become familiar with the structure of a problem, its data, its demands and its limitations. In this way they improve their thinking and problem-solving skills through their active participation in such activities.

Is it possible, really, to learn mathematical operations without problems and without handouts, books, and notebooks? The goal of this program is the experiential approach of mathematics through original and group projects inside and outside the classroom. Students are divided into groups, and with their worksheets, knowledge, and the necessary instruments, add an original “mathematical note” to their school life.

Στόχος είναι οι  μαθητές όλων των τάξεων, ανάλογα με την ηλικία και την ωριμότητά τους,  να καταλάβουν τις έννοιες της συναλλαγής, της αποταμίευσης, του σωστού προϋπολογισμού, της κατανάλωσης, αλλά κυρίως τη σημασία της λήψης κατάλληλων αποφάσεων, για την αποτελεσματική διαχείριση των χρημάτων με σκοπό την ευημερία.

Αναγνωρίζοντας την αξία του επιτραπέζιου παιχνιδιού, το εντάσσουμε στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία, εμπλουτίζοντας το περιβάλλον μάθησης με παιχνίδια που  δημιουργούνται από τα ίδια τα παιδιά.

Η διάθεση των παιδιών για παιχνίδι, η φαντασία  στον σχεδιασμό με βάση την ύλη που έχουν διδαχθεί, η συνδιαμόρφωση μαζί με τους μαθητές των κανόνων, η χαρά της νίκης και η αλλαγή της οπτικής της ήττας είναι ένα παιχνίδι πριν από το ίδιο  το παιχνίδι.

Έτσι ο μαθητής  αξιολογεί τον εαυτό του και τους συμπαίκτες του, μαθαίνει να προσαρμόζεται σε κανόνες, ενισχύοντας τις δεξιότητες του, ξαναθυμάται όσα έχει μάθει, συνυπάρχει και καλλιεργεί την κοινωνικότητά του.


Maps, Compass…Here we go!

The “Maps, Compass…Here we go!” program aims to bring students into contact with other places, ...

From a Child into a Person and a Fellow Person

The program focuses on issues of behavior, ethics and successful emotional management. Through systematic contact ...

In the Museum

The program aims to cultivate a positive attitude and behavior towards museums. Students take the ...

Getting to Know My City

As part of the program ” Getting to Know My City”, the students of 4th ...


As part of the program “Acropolis: a Star that Shines throughout the Centuries,” students of ...


Our school participates in the European action Teachers4Europe. In its context, students get to know ...


Elementary school students have the opportunity to participate in the European eTwinning action. As part ...


ARcGIS για Γεωγραφία express… Το μάθημα της Γεωγραφίας είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντικό στην εκπαίδευση. Η συμπερίληψή ...

«Στάζω μέλι»

«Όταν εξαφανιστούν οι μέλισσες από τη Γη, σε τέσσερα χρόνια θα εξαφανιστεί και ο άνθρωπος», ...

«1,2,3 …ξεφτέρια στην ορθογραφία»

 Με στόχο την απενοχοποίηση των ορθογραφικών λαθών, μέσα σε  ατμόσφαιρα χαράς και παιχνιδιού οι μαθητές ...
Literature and Discourse Programs

We talk about us

Under this program, our older students have a chance to interact with experts on issues ...
Literature and Discourse Programs

Spelling Lessons

The Spelling Lessons program for 5th and 6th grade students aims to: Develop their spelling ...
Literature and Discourse Programs


Under this program English Garden students read literary books not only to practice their English, ...
Literature and Discourse Programs


Within the framework of the Bookmates program, students of Day Care Center – Kindergarten have ...

Visits to environmentally important areas for our younger students of kindergarten and elementary schools, and environmental projects, excursions, and various activities for older students of our Junior High School, cultivate the sensitivity of our children towards nature. The environmental actions of Mandoulides Schools have repeatedly been singled out for the Green Flag award by the Greek Society for the Protection of Nature.

The Schools, since their foundation, have the ancient saying “healthy mind in a healthy body” as a guide in combining sports with excellent education.

Sport is an integral part of school life and supported by highly qualified teachers of physical education and coaches, as well as by outstanding infrastructure.

Our students’ numerous and significant distinctions on a world and national level fully justify this choice.

School Sports

According to grade, age and class in the course of Physical Education, objectives and priorities are reached through the following actions:

  • Fitness, orientation in space, neuromuscular coordination
  • Traditional games
  • Track and field: sprinting, long jump, ball throwing, javelin training
  • Gymnastics
  • Team sports
  • Basic principles of soccer, basketball, tennis, volleyball, hockey, and badminton
  • Acquaintance with Olympic sports
  • Internal group and individual sports championships
  • Hygiene rules
  • Dietary rules

Art and Performance Programs


The objectives of the program are:

  • The experiential approach to the world of music through games, drama, visual works, and learning the glockenspiel
  • The acquisition of sufficient knowledge for those children wishing to continue their musical studies.

Traditional Dances

Mandoulides Schools, out of love and respect for Greek Tradition, have established the Traditional Dance Festival. By teaching traditional dances, we help students understand the value of tradition and keep alive the elements that characterize us and unite us as a nation: our origins, our ancestry, and our customs


Visual arts are an integral part of the educational process and is central to the aesthetic culture of children of this age.

Objectives of the program:

  • The approach of famous artists’ works and trends of their times
  • Activating the imagination of students through games and activities
  • Familiarizing students with materials and techniques
  • The externalization of thoughts and emotions through various artistic media

Έργα μαθητών μας


Through the joy of group singing, students get to know traditional songs and rhythms of our country and other countries. The children present their program at various events of the Schools, accompanying their songs with percussion instruments

Eating Healthily

The fast-paced life of students and their families nowadays renders the establishment of a healthy diet hard to achieve.

Mandoulides Schools educates their students and raise parents’ awareness in relation to healthy diet, while implementing the program “Eating Healthily at Mandoulides Schools.”

  • Free and healthy breakfast is provided to students of the Day Care Center and Kindergarten.
  • The quality and origin of the products offered by the canteens are checked.
  • Labels are placed on the products sold by the canteens as well as on the individual meal packages mentioning their calories and nutritional value.
  • The lunch menus of the optional catering service are created by specialized dieticians in accordance with the Mediterranean diet.
  • Special Educational Programs are organized in order to familiarize students with various issues regarding diet, health and physical activity.
  • Students and parents receive information about diet from experts, physical education teachers, athletes and writers of children’s books.
  • The physical development and eating habits of our students are monitored by dieticians.
  • Visits to food production facilities are scheduled, where students are informed about the processing and storage of raw materials as well as the promotion of products.
  • A vegetable garden is maintained on the Kindergarten – Elementary School premises, in order for the students to discover the value of biological products.

The educational project “Mission X: Train Like an Astronaut is an international educational challenge, focusing on fitness and nutrition, that encourages students to train like an astronaut.

Overseen by ESERO-UK, the program is supported by the UK Space Agency as well as the European Space Agency and forms part of the program “Eating Healthily at Mandoulides Schools.”

The program is addressed to Kindergarten and all Elementary School students and takes place from March to the end of the school year. During the program, certain actions are conducted according to the children’s age maturity and background knowledge.

Developed in cooperation with space scientists and fitness professionals working directly with astronauts, NASA’s “Train Like an Astronaut” activities are a physical and inquiry-based approach to human health and fitness on Earth and in space.

During the pioneering Mission X challenge, our students participate in physical activities modelled after the real-life physical requirements of humans travelling in space.

Thus, our students, depending on their grade, take part in the following actions:

  • What’s your space height (calculation of space weight and height)
  • Energy of an astronaut (compilation of natural food lists that can guarantee the energy an astronaut needs)
  • Reduced gravity, Low fat (distinguishing the harmful fat ingredients included in food products we consume every day)
  • Taste in space (drawing a diagram of the human tongue, demonstrating how different senses can affect our taste)

What is more, our students are involved in the following fitness activities:

  • Agility astro course
  • Base station walkback
  • Build an astronaut core
  • Explore and discover
  • Do a spacewalk
  • Climb a Martian mountain
  • Crew training
  • Jump for the moon

Through this adventurous journey to the amazing world of space, students are not only informed about fitness and healthy eating, but they are also enabled to become the next generation of fitness explorers.

Menus are designed by nutritional experts and are based on the Mediterranean diet, using, where possible, raw materials tested for their quality and origin with the exclusion of unnecessary animal fat or additional chemicals.

  • Meals are prepared on the day they are served and are delivered on time
  • Meals are GMO and nut free and thus cannot cause allergies
  • Meals come in individual trays, which cover all the hygiene requirements and contain labels of calories and nutrients
  • Parents can select as many days as they wish depending on the student’s participation in extracurricular or after-school activities or in the study program
  • When a student is absent, the charge for the day’s meals is still applied

In order to participate you need to fill out the online registration form at the Schools’ digital platform my mandoulides.

Once you have done so, a private agreement between you (parent – legal custodian) and the catering company will be sent to you. Signing the private agreement is a necessary condition for participation in the program. The private agreement is signed only once, after you fill out the first registration form.

The registration form must be submitted by the 20th of each month along with the days of the following month for which you will require the catering company’s services. Payment must be made by the 25th for the upcoming month in the catering company’s bank account.


Kouzin” is a lifestyle. We get the best organic raw materials from small, certified, organic farms and small farmers from Greece. In the spirit of “farm to table”, we taste recipes thanks to the use of the purest Greek organic products, and our chefs’ creativity.

We use proper cooking techniques without needing to use added fat, preservatives & mainly palmoil free.

This way, we manage to make new, tasty recipe suggestions which constitute a mix of familiarity and modernity. Following strict diagrams, we check the orders of the quantities of the raw materials, their storage, and the arrival of customers, so that the food products do not end up getting thrown away due to their alteration caused by poor management.

Moreover, all packages used for the transportation of food products are biodegradable or recyclable. The importance of sustainability in the field of gastronomy requires commitment to the sustainable model in our cuisine, in order to build environmental awareness of our customers.

Thanks to this principle, we got certified as a model organic cuisine following the requirements and protocols of the certifying body “BIOHELLAS”.

We would like to welcome you to “Kouzin” considering love, wellness, and respect towards our body through our great flavors

Extracurricular Programs

Mandoulides Schools give students the opportunity to attend Extracurricular Programs that aim at providing an integrated education and cultivate their skills.

In the Extracurricular Programs of the Schools:

  • Presentation, guidance and supervision are provided by select, experienced associates
  • Classes are carried out in the Schools’ state of the art facilities and are held in a safe environment
  • Students are transported using a school bus service
  • Parents save precious time
  • There is extra charge.


Sports Academies

Mandoulides Schools provide students with the opportunity to attend Sports Academies that aim at providing an integrated education and cultivate their skills.

In the Sports Academies of the Schools:

  • Training is provided by highly qualified and experienced coaches
  • Classes are carried out in the Schools’ state of the art facilities and are held in a safe environment
  • Students are transported using a school bus service
  • Parents save precious time
  • There is extra charge


Summer Programs

The Schools continue operating in the summer months and offer several educational and sports programs.

Why choose the Schools’ Summer Programs?

  • We creatively utilize our free time
  • We acquire knowledge in a fun and playful way
  • We develop our social skills
  • We participate in excursions and outings
  • We practice our favorite sports
  • We learn by playing and creating in a safe and familiar environment


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