Student’s distinction in an International Music Competition

Η μαθήτρια Χ. Μαυρίδου (Β΄ Γυμνασίου) απέσπασε το 2ο βραβείο σύνθεσης με το έργό της «String quartet No.1» στον Διεθνή Διαγωνισμό «Elite Musicians International Competition» στην κατηγορία Composition Professional 14 - 16.

Student’s distinction in an International Music Competition

8th grade student Ch. Mavridou won the 2nd prize in music composition with her work “String quartet No.1” in the International Competition “Elite Musicians International Competition,” regarding the category of Composition Professional 14 - 16.

Christine has been learning how to play the violin at the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki since she was 8 years old. In parallel with piano learning, she has systematically engaged herself in composing. Her works are mainly for string ensembles, caprices and concertos for solo violin and piano, as well as cinematic works.

Some of these have been performed by ensembles in which she has participated. Since 2020 Christina has been receiving guidance by the world-renowned composer and professor at the University of Macedonia Lina Tonia.