Recent news

Art Competition at Mandoulides Schools

Students’ creativity and expression through art unfolded during the national student “Art Competition” organized by Mandoulides Schools, where more than 300 students participated from 19 junior and senior...

7th Computer Science Student Conference

18 Mandoulides Schools’ Junior and Senior High School students participated in the 7th Computer Science student conference held in the Planetarium of the Science Center and Technology Museum...

We Talk About Us

With the slogan "Nothing is given free in life! Everything is conquered with courage and effort!!!," members of the hearing impaired community exchanged views with 4th to 6th...

Bookmates: Visit by the Author Sakis Serefas

Within the framework of the program Bookmates 4th grade students greeted Sakis Serefas, author of state prize children's book winner "A Dinosaur on My Balcony" (Patakis Editions). Children...

Musical Performance - 3rd Grade

What are a donkey, a dog, a cat, and a rooster doing at the 3rd grade’s musical performance? Forming a quartet, of course! The instruments were tuned, the...

Gold Medal in Tae Kwon Do

Mandoulides Schools’ 9th grade student V. Mylona was awarded the gold medal in the National Competitions between Tae Kwon Do teams of YMCA of Thessaloniki.

Visit by Paralympic Medalist Andreas Katsaros

Kindergarten, Elementary and Junior High School Students had the opportunity to become acquainted with the Swimming Paralympic Medalist Andreas Katsaros (Silver Medal in Beijing - 2008). The renowned...