3rd - 6th Grade Club: Healthy Cooking Games

Healthy cooking games is the club that taught us that cooking can be a fun adventure! We discovered the delights of a healthy diet, and learnt the secrets...

Distinctions in Skiing

Students of the 5th and 6th grade I. Stavrinos and V. - P. Lazoulas won the 1st and 2nd place respectively (boys 11 to 15 years) and student...

4th Grade Bookmates by Author Kostas Magos

We welcomed the author Kostas Magos who wrote the book “Welcome, Magpie” (Kaleidoskopio Editions) at the Schools’ Cultural and Sports Center. This is a book that teaches us...

Visit by the Olympic Medallist Vasilis Polymeros

The Olympic Medallist Vasilis Polymeros (rowing, 2nd place - silver medal Beijing 2008), (3rd place - bronze medal Athens 2004), had the opportunity to become better acquainted with...

5th Grades' Visit to the Bookstore Konstantinidis

Students of the Schools visited the bookstore Konstantinidis, and took part in the presentation of the book “Geronimo Stilton - The mysterious cheese thief.” During the event our...

3rd Grade Musical

Inspired by the stories of the "Modern Aesop," Gianni Rontari, student of the 3rd grade presented the musical "Tales over the phone." It was a performance full of...

World Table Tennis Day

A demonstration match by professional athletes was held at the Sports Hall of the Schools Cultural and Sports Center. The demonstration was performed by the athletes of the...

2nd Grade Visits the Folklore Museum

We were transported several years in the past and met Aunt Aggela, who showed us a variety of traditional clothing that was worn back when her grandmother was...