European Day of Languages 2014

September the 26th has been established as the European Day of Languages by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union. It is a Pan-European campaign to promote language learning in the European Union’s efforts to enhance multilingualism in Europe.

The campaign’s objectives are:
o    To encourage lifelong language learning in and outside of school.
o    To promote the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe.
o    To raise awareness about the importance of multilingualism and intercultural understanding.

Within this framework, a multilingualism and multiculturalism celebration was held on the Junior High School premises on Tuesday, September 30th, 2014, with food, flags, games and songs from various European countries. Students had the opportunity to try Greek peinirli, English apple pie, French croissants, German hotdogs and Italian pizza, to listen to songs from different countries, to create their own poster depicting multilingualism, to add their own favorite word in the language of their choice to the "Tree of Words" and, finally, to design and participate in a quiz on the languages of the world!