Virtual Business - Junior Achievement Competition

On Friday, 1 st March the students of the Extracurricular Program of the Schools “Virtual Business”, took part in the Trade Fair at Μediterannean Cosmos, with the “Ancient Guardians” application. The exhibition is held by the non-profit organization for youth entrepreneurship (JA Greece) – Youth Virtual Business with the participation of 41 schools from all over Northern Greece.
The children worked throughout the year with a sense of team spirit and tried, with the help of their mentor Mr. Konstantinos Astridis, to implement their business and present it to the jury and public successfully.
The following 10 th Grade students participated:
Ch. Vasileiou, Α. Georgiades, Ch. Gritsios, Ε. Kafes, Ι. Konstantinides, Th. Miltiadou, I. Motsanos, Ch. Babatsis, G. Barbetakis, Ch. Samara, Α. Fratzana.