Καλώς μας ήρθες, Άνοιξη!

Welcome Spring!

Our young students of Day Care Center, Kindergarten and English Garden learned about the custom of the ‘Red and White March bracelet’ and then wore their own bracelets,...
Στo πλαίσιo του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος «Μέσα από τα μάτια των καλλιτεχνών»,οι μαθητές των Νηπίων γνώρισαν αντιπροσωπευτικά έργα σπουδαίων ζωγράφων και προσέγγισαν με ποικίλους τρόπους διάφορα καλλιτεχνικά ρεύματα, όπως τον κυβισμό, τον εξπρεσιονισμό, τον σουρεαλισμό. - As part of the educational program "Through the eyes of artists", Kindergarten students got to know representative works of art by great painters and became acquainted with artistic movements, such as cubism, expressionism and surrealism in various ways.

«Through the eyes of artists»

As part of the educational program "Through the eyes of artists", Kindergarten students got to know representative works of art by great painters and became acquainted with artistic...
Με απόλυτη επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκε από τους μαθητές της Β’ Δημοτικού το πρωτοποριακό πρόγραμμα «Financial Literacy και Επιχειρηματικότητα».

The little "grocers" of 2nd Grade

Second Grade Students successfully completed the pioneering program of "Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship".As part of the program, the children got to know about currency and its subdivisions and...

Robotixlab online video game project

Οι μαθητές του Ομίλου Ρομποτικής Robotixlab δημιούργησαν τη δική τους ιστορία μετά από brainstorming.
Christmas crafts by the English Garden students

Christmas crafts by the English Garden students

Christmas crafts by the English Garden students The English Garden students are getting ready for Christmas! Schools might be temporarily closed, but that did not stop the English...
Τα καλικαντζαράκια της Β’ Δημοτικού

The Little Goblins of 2nd Grade

The Little Goblins of 2nd Grade  Using the book “The Christmas when Everything Changed” by Maria Papagianni, as a basis, the 2nd Grade students of the Primary School...